Nos recherches

L’ARTAC est une association indépendante de médecins et de chercheurs, spécialisée dans l’étude biologique, thérapeutique et clinique des cancers.

C’est la seule association française de lutte contre le cancer à promouvoir une prévention environnementale. Son caractère scientifique fait que l’ARTAC est reconnue d’intérêt général. Fondée en 1984 par le Pr. Belpomme, elle place au cœur de son intérêt la guérison des malades ainsi que la protection des femmes enceintes et des enfants.


Entreprises, institutions, particuliers : aidez vos proches à lutter contre le cancer en soutenant l’ARTAC

En aidant moralement et financièrement l’ARTAC, vous assurez son indépendance. Vous faites réellement progresser les recherches sur le cancer, non seulement dans le domaine des traitements anticancéreux, mais aussi dans le cadre plus vaste de la prévention environnementale, qui seule pourra permettre d’assurer aux générations futures la meilleure santé possible.

Articles scientifiques

Belpomme D, Lacomme S, Poletti C, Bonesso L, Hinault-Boyer C, Barbier S, Irigaray P. Free Methylglyoxal as a Metabolic New Biomarker of Tumor Cell Proliferation in Cancers. Cancers. 2024 Nov 22;16(23):3922. doi: 10.3390/cancers16233922.

Irigaray P, Belpomme D. Circulating free methylglyoxal as a metabolic tumor biomarker in a rat colon adenocarcinoma modelMol Clin Oncol. 2020 Apr;12(4):311-316.

Belpomme D, Irigaray P. Electrohypersensitivity as a Newly Identified and Characterized Neurologic Pathological Disorder: How to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent It. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Mar 11;21(6). pii: E1915
Belpomme D, Hardell L, Belyaev I, Burgio E, Carpenter DO. Thermal and non-thermal health effects of low intensity non-ionizing radiation: An international perspective. Environ Pollut. 2018 Nov;242(Pt A):643-658.
Irigaray P, Caccamo D, Belpomme D. Oxidative stress in electrohypersensitivity self‑reporting patients: Results of a prospective in vivo investigation with comprehensive molecular analysis. Int J Mol Med. 2018 Oct;42(4):1885-1898.
Irigaray P, Lebar P and Belpomme D (2018) How Ultrasonic Cerebral Tomosphygmography can Contribute to the Diagnosis of Electrohypersensitivity. J Clin Diagn Res 6: 143. doi:10.4172/2376-0311.1000142
Irigaray P., Garrel C., Houssay C., MAntello P., Belpomme D. Beneficial effects of a Fermented Papaya Preparation for the treatment of electrohypersensitivity self-reporting patients: results of a phase I-II clinical trial with special reference to cerebral pulsation measurement and oxidative stress analysis. Functional Foods in Health and Disease 2018; 8(2):122-144
Nokin MJ, Durieux F, Peixoto P, Chiavarina B, Peulen O, Blomme A, Turtoi A, Costanza B, Smargiasso N, Baiwir D, Scheijen JL, Schalkwijk CG, Leenders J, De Tullio P, Bianchi E, Thiry M, Uchida K, Spiegel DA, Cochrane JR, Hutton CA, De Pauw E, Delvenne P, Belpomme D, Castronovo V, Bellahcène A. Methylglyoxal, a glycolysis side-product, induces Hsp90 glycation and YAP-mediated tumor growth and metastasis. Elife. 2016 Oct 19;5. pii: e19375. doi: 10.7554/eLife.19375.
Belpomme D, Irigaray P. Replicative random mutations as an unproven cause of cancer: A technical comment. Mol Clin Oncol. 2016 Apr;4(4):497-499.
Belpomme D, Campagnac C, Irigaray P. Reliable disease biomarkers characterizing and identifying electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity as two etiopathogenic aspects of a unique pathological disorder. Rev Environ Health. 2015 Dec 1;30(4):251-71.
Carpenter DO, Belpomme D. Idiopathic environmental intolerance. Rev Environ Health. 2015 Dec 1;30(4):207.
Chiavarina B, Nokin MJ, Durieux F, Bianchi E, Turtoi A, Peulen O, Peixoto P, Irigaray P, Uchida K, Belpomme D, Delvenne P, Castronovo V, Bellahcène A. Triple negative tumors accumulate significantly less methylglyoxal specific adducts than other human breast cancer subtypes. Oncotarget. 2014 Jul 30;5(14):5472-82.
Belpomme D, Irigaray P. Environment as a potential key determinant of the continued increase of prostate cancer incidence in martinique. Prostate Cancer. 2011; doi:10.1155/2011/819010.
Belpomme D, Irigaray P. Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment After the Introduction of Prostate-Specific Antigen Screening: 1986-2005. JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute ; 2010 Apr 7;102(7):506-7.
Irigaray P, Belpomme D. Basic properties and molecular mechanisms of exogenous chemical carcinogens. Carcinogenesis. 2010 Feb;31(2):135-148; doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgp252.
Belpomme D, Irigaray P, Landau-Ossondo M, Martin M. The growing incidence of prostate cancer in the French Caribbean islands, Martinique and Guadeloupe: A possible causal role of pesticides. Int J Oncol. 2009 Aug;35(2):433.
Landau-Ossondo M, Rabia N, Jos-Pelage J, Marquet LM, Isidore Y, Saint-Aimé C, Martin M, Irigaray P, Belpomme D. Why pesticides could be a common cause of prostate and breast cancers in the French Caribbean Island, Martinique. An overview on key mechanisms of pesticide-induced cancer. Biomed Pharmacother. 2009. Jul;63(6):383-395.
Irigaray P, Lacomme S, Mejean L, Belpomme D. Ex vivo study of incorporation into adipocytes and lipolysis-inhibition effect of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Toxicol Lett. 2009 May 22;187(1):35-9.
Belpomme D, Irigaray P, Ossondo M, Vacque D, Martin M. Prostate cancer as an environmental disease: an ecological study in the French Caribbean islands, Martinique and Guadeloupe. Int J Oncol. 2009 Apr;34(4):1037-44.
Belpomme D., Irigaray P., Hardell L. Electromagnetic fields as cancer-causing agents. Environ. Research, 107 (2008) 289–290.
Irigaray P., Newby J.A., Clapp R., Hardell L., Howard V., Montagnier L., Epstein S.S., Belpomme D. Lifestyle-related factors and environmental agents causing cancer: An overview. Biomed Pharmacother. 2007 Dec;61(10):640-658.
Belpomme D. Cancer and the environment: Facts, figures, methods and misinterpretations. Editorial. Biomed Pharmacother. 2007 Dec;61(10): 611-613.
Irigaray P., Newby J.A., Lacomme S., BelpommeD. Overweight/obesity and cancer genesis: More than a biological link. Biomed Pharmacother. 2007 Dec;61(10):665-678.
Belpomme D., Irigaray P., Hardell L., Montagnier L., Epstein S.S., Clapp R., Sasco A.J. The multitude and diversity of exogenous carcinogens. Environ. Research, 105 (2007) 414–429.
Belpomme D., Irigaray P., Newby J.A., Howard V., Clapp R., Sasco A.J., Hardell L. The growing incidence of cancer: role of lifestyle and screening detection. Int J Oncol. 2007, 30, 1037-1049.
Belpomme D. Cancers, le poids de l’environnement. Encyclopaedia Universalis, Science au présent, 2005.
Guillot R, Vadrot N. et al. Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) could be partially responsible for HuH7 human hepatoma cell resistance to interferon g-induced apoptosis », 2005, soumis pour publication.
Belpomme D., The contribution of the physico-chemical environment to the genesis of cancer: what extent and how to measure it? Bull Mem Acad R Med Belg. 2005;160(3-4):163-180.
Belpomme D. Editorial. Oncology, 2004, 6 (4).

Guillot R, Legrand A. et al. Study of the effects of interferon a on several human hepatoma cell lines. Liver International, 2004, 24: 149-160.

Belpomme D., Krakowski I., Beauduin M., Petit T., Canon J.L., Janssens J., Gauthier S., De Pauw A., Moreau V., Kaytalire L. Gemcitabine combined with Cisplatin in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer as first-line treatment: A phase II study report. Gynecologic Oncology 2003, 91(1): 32-38.

Khodadad K., Sturtz F., Pujade-Lauraine E., Belpomme D. Over 25% 5-year-overall survival (OS) in patients with metastatic breast carcinoma (MBS) receiving the VVF protocol in addition to conventional treatments. Proc. Am. Soc. Clin. Onc. Mai 2001.

Pivot X., Kelly, Tortochaux J., Belpomme D., Humblet Y., Domenge C., Johnston A., Clendeninn N., Penning C., Schneider M. A phase III trial of nolatrexed versus methotrexate in patients (pts) with advanced or recurrent squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Annals Oncology 2001, 12 (11): 1595-9.

Belpomme D., Pujade-Lauraine E., Gauthier S., Krakowski I., Frenay M., Facchini, Goudier M.J., Gousset C., Sturtz F. Verapamil increases the survival of patients with anthracycline resistant metastatic breast carcinoma. Annals Oncology 2000, 11 : 1471-1476.